Thursday, November 10, 2011


Assalamualaikum . why i should this feeling again and again . its too hurts -.- . awak , i never ask for this feelings but this is human nature . yess we're just friend . nothing more than that but sometimes i cannot cheat my feeling . dekat blog saya nie lah tempat saya lepaskan semuanya -.- . entahlah , i dont know what i want . i dont want to expact more . can be friend with you is enough make me happy .
i really had good time chatting with you when we first began to know each others .
its hurts to me to latent this feeling . its upset when you have been significantly changed . but i do not blame you the reason why you changed . mybe you have our own reason .
or mybe you hear a lot of bad stories about me . mulut orang kita tak boleh tutup but only Allah knows what the real that was happened . i feel like "  okeylah the end sampai sini jela kot . saya gembira bila tengok awak gembira :) . dont worry okey , kalau ade jodoh kita pasti jumpa lagi kerana JANJI ALLAH ITU PASTI .